
I’m no longer in denial about Fall. September is somewhat of a snooze, but October is serious business. There aren’t any sayings about it like there are March, but it’s just as jarring a start. October always comes in crisp and intense with an eerie feeling of sudden insecurity. Maybe it’s just me. Or maybe it’s some sort of archaic pineal gland coding from a time when there was no such thing as imported food, or freezers, refrigerators or canning to keep food safe through the hungry months.

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Either way, I’m looking forward to indulging in it. 

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Bring on the pumpkins.



  • Date: Sunday, August 30th, 2015
  • Location: Chapel Brook Falls, Ashfield, MA
  • Photography: Kayt Silvers and TJ Bynes
  • Styling: Kayt Silvers
  • Model: Hayley Brown