Sometime in March, a large box from designer Delight Worthyn arrived at my doorstep. It was unexpected, but it perked me right up. Feathers. Hats. Hats with feathers. More feathers. A one-of-a-kind pink and orange dress with straps so beautiful I couldn’t stop staring. To have so much inspiring material just appear in one of the year’s most uninspiring months had me jumping up and down. I decided to challenge myself to photographing it all, but it took a while to work out how to best go about that. Plume RushThe first issue was one of location. It would have to be inside, as there was still too much snow on the ground to cope with. Maybe it was just that I was feeling too lazy to go anywhere, but a plain grey backdrop seemed like it would suit things fine, meaning the shoot could be staged in the apartment. Since I’d also been wanting an excuse to pull out the Lensbaby Edge80 for some portrait work, I started leaning toward a Victorian type of vibe. Plume RushI then went hunting for the right wardrobe. Luckily I didn’t have to leave home for that. Not sure how it worked out, but my mom just happened to own a green velvet dress that matched one of the hats perfectly, and suddenly everything fell into place. My model for the day- Sam- arrived with an amazing collection of earrings, and we were good to go. Plume RushAfter doing Sam’s makeup, It was a pretty simple and fast moving shoot- likely the opposite of a real Victorian-era portrait sitting. In retrospect I wish I’d used a tripod so all the photos were more identically positioned, but I’m still quite happy and intrigued by the results. I absolutely loved using the Lensbaby with studio lighting, Sam is always a treat to work with, I didn’t have to buy a thing or drive anywhere, and we came out with some beautiful pictures. Can’t really beat that. Plume Rush So much thanks to Delight for ushering in Spring in her own little way. ***** Kayt Credits:

  • Date: Saturday, March 21, 2015
  • Location: The Worcester “studio”
  • Model: Sam Dreifus
  • Photography, styling, makeup: Kayt Silvers
  • Lighting assistant: TJ Bynes
  • Hats, pink and orange dress in final photo: Delight Worthyn ART/wares