This December feels nothing like last December. Or the December before it. The last two years have been bitterly cold and icy, with at least a little snow by now. They were also much more frantic, since for some reason this time of year always gives me a giant burst of creativity.
This year the creativity may be there, but the winter weather… not so much. Not that I’m complaining. I’m hoping to have fewer cases of frostbitten fingers than last year. I didn’t even bring gloves to our shoot yesterday. There’s something to be said for that.
As for frantic, I decided to just not be. These days, shoots like this one actually make me feel calmer than not shooting at all. A familiar model, simple wardrobe, favorite location, natural light, and an almost-warm rain… there’s really nothing more relaxing- or rewarding- than capturing that.
Plus I’m considering taking a week off to loll around and drink eggnog. Maybe. I guess it kind of depends on the weather.
- Date: Thursday, November 12th, 2015
- Location: Newton, MA
- Photography/styling: Kayt Silvers
- Model/hair/makeup: Sondra Christenson