Back in March, when the world outside my window was still a massive snow pile, I booked at room at the Edgartown inn. I was optimistically thinking of mid May- apple blossoms, lush grass, green leaves, warm sun… May 16th rolled around sooner than expected, but, as scheduled, on that rainy somewhat chilly day in Worcester, we hit the road for Falmouth and a ferry to Martha’s Vineyard.

Long Cove

Good news is it was warm by the time we got to the Cape. I was boiling in my leather jacket when we disembarked at Oak Bluffs and started hunting down a place for breakfast. We had no car, just a couple of toothbruses, a change of socks, and a bag stuffed with completely impractical dresses and flower hair pieces. We were on our way to a photoshoot, of course. A photoshoot disguised as a weekend getaway, but a shoot nonetheless. There was no room for my jacket in my bag.

Long Cove Long Cove Long CoveThe bad news is that, by the time we were ready to shoot, it was drizzly and very cold. And there weren’t really leaves on the trees yet, despite my best intentions. Our wonderful model Maggie drove us to Long Point Wild Life Refuge, and chattered her way through the shoot, with periodic breaks for tick removal and poison ivy warnings.

Long Cove Long Cove Long CoveSo, in that respect, I can’t say that the Vineyard itself was particularly welcoming (though everyone we met certainly was). There was, however, something magical and quiet about the off season there that I would be more than happy to return to.

Long Cove Long Cove Long Cove Long Cove Long CoveAfter all, it did inspire some truly beautiful pictures.

Long Cove Long CoveLong Cove Long Cove Long Cove Long CoveAnd let’s just say we ate really well 🙂



  • Date: Saturday, May 16th, 2015
  • Location: Long Point Wildlife Refuge, Edgartown, MA
  • Photography: Kayt Silvers and TJ Bynes
  • Stlyling: Kayt Silvers
  • Model: Maggie Linland
  • Hair: Julie Brewer